Infusion Therapy
What is Infusion Therapy?
Infusion therapy is a treatment given intravenously, directly into the vein. It is normally prescribed when a patient’s condition will be treated more effectively than by oral medications. Infusion therapy is not new, but the use of this type of delivery has increased in recent years with the advent of biologics. At Cary Gastroenterology Associates, we provide infusion therapy to treat patients with autoimmune disorders, as well as iron infusions to treat anemia.

What Are Biologics?
Biologics are proteins derived from living sources. Vaccines are considered biologics, as well as insulin, so strictly speaking biologics have been used for over a century. The use of biologics to treat inflammatory diseases represents a major breakthrough in the treatment of diseases that have been previously difficult to put into remission. Diseases that respond well to biologics are psoriatic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. The key similarity to these diseases are that they are considered autoimmune diseases. Biologics also used to treat iron deficiency anemia.
What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
IBD is a chronic condition of the digestive tract. There are two main types of IBD: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Considered an autoimmune disease, most research points to a patient's immune system attacking and damaging portions of the digestive system. Crohn’s disease can be found anywhere along the system from the mouth to the anus. Ulcerative colitis is restricted to the colon.
What Biologics Are Available at Cary Gastro?
Cary Gastro is offering infusion therapy of the medications Remicade, Entyvio, and Stelara for effective treatment of IBD, as well as Injectafer for those with iron deficiency anemia.
What Are My Next Steps?
Request an appointment to learn more. Infusion therapy is offered at both our Cary office as well as our Women's Center for GI Health. You do not have to be a patient of Cary Gastro to benefit from our infusion room.