
The FibroScan® system quickly and accurately assesses both liver stiffness and steatosis, which are important measurements of liver health, aiding in the early detection and management of liver disease. Liver disease, such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), is associated with obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and other metabolic risk factors. As one in three Americans have liver disease, maintaining good liver health is important to your overall health. That’s why physicians at Cary Gastroenterology Associates use FDA-approved FibroScan®. It’s quick (takes just 10 minutes), non-invasive, and painless.
FibroScan® works by emitting a small pulse of energy, which may feel as a slight vibration on your skin. FibroScan® calculates the speed of this energy to give your provider an immediate measure of the stiffness of your liver. This stiffness measure can be an important part of understanding your overall liver health.
- Do not eat or drink anything for at least three hours prior to your examination.
- Wear comfortable clothes that will allow your provider to expose the right side of your rib cage.
What To Expect
Patients lie comfortably on an exam table while a medical professional applies a water-based gel on the patient’s skin and places the FibroScan® probe on the right side of the ribcage. After 10 quick, painless measurements, results are immediate for the physician to interpret.
There is very low risk of any side effects or complications with FibroScan®.