In-Office Visits Have Resumed
Patients who need medical care for gastrointestinal symptoms—from hemorrhoids to bloating to acid reflux—now have the option of scheduling in-office visits, which resumed Monday, May 4, or utilizing telemedicine.
In exercising the utmost concern for both patients and the community—even prior to a stay-at-home order being declared due to COVID-19—our offices transitioned fully to telemedicine, on Monday, March 23. Since that time, hundreds of patients experiencing a wide range of GI symptoms have had a visit with a physician in the comfort and safety of his or her home.
For some patients, however, an in-office visit may be necessary or preferred, so we are pleased to be able to again offer in-person appointments. Limited appointments are available each day in order to maintain the necessary protocols around social (physical) distancing and other prevention best practices.
Telemedicine visits, meanwhile, also continue for both existing and new patients alike, and are especially encouraged for populations most at risk of contracting COVID-19, as defined by the CDC. Similar to an in-person visit, our physicians address your concerns and questions via telemedicine. Our physicians use a HIPAA compliant telemedicine platform that is user-friendly and can be used on a smartphone or computer. There are no downloads required—simply click a link and allow access to your microphone and video. Read more about telemedicine here.
Need a Colonoscopy or Upper Endoscopy?
For patients in need of a procedure, such as a colonoscopy or EGD, please contact us now to schedule your appointment. While such procedures are not yet permitted per the U.S. Surgeon General, we anticipate that schedules will fill quickly once they resume so we have begun to schedule them now for future dates. Lawmakers have stressed the importance of resuming such procedures knowing further delays may have significant health ramifications for individuals.
For both in-person and telemedicine visits, existing patients are encouraged to schedule an appointment using the patient portal, while new patients may contact us through our online appointment request form. Both existing and new patients alike may also call us at 919-816-4948 (option #3).
As we continue to navigate this pandemic together, know that we remain committed to providing cutting-edge, evidence-based approach to digestive healthcare, whether in-person or via telemedicine.